Products and ServicesRailway Signaling Solutions

Railway Signaling Solutions Total Traffic Control System

This system monitors the state of operations and automatically controls the signals and routes according to the timetable to operate many trains efficiently in each line section. The device has the added functions of operational adjustments and information processing for passenger services to ensure that operational guidance is performed accurately.

Centralized Traffic Control Device (CTC)

This device monitors the trains in the line sections from a central traffic control point to control all the trains at once. The operational status is displayed in real time, enabling accurate decisions and prompt instructions to be made at times of timetable disruptions so that normal operations can be resumed as soon as possible.

Total Traffic Control System (TTC, PTC, PRC, ARC)

This system automates the regular route control of trains according to the timetable and the distribution of passenger information in order to simplify traffic control operations.

Mid-Sized PRC (Programmed Route Control) Equipment

Train Operation Information Distribution System

This system aims to make train operation information accessible using Internet technology. It allows the use of information on in-house terminals connected to the Intranet and the distribution of information to mobile terminals.

Operational Timetable Management System

This system comprehensively manages and supports the most important timetable information in the rail transportation business. It supports the creation of timetables for train operation control and the creation of various forms for passenger services, station staff and train crew.


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