Products and ServicesRailway Signaling Solutions

Railways are infrastructures essential to our lives as mass transit systems, and a high level of safety and reliability is required for Railway Signaling Solutions that support railway operations. In addition, along with globalization, declining birthrates and the graying of societies, there is a growing need for advances in universal design and reductions in infrastructure maintenance costs.
To Kyosan, the fundamental concept of fail-safe means just that. No failures. No excuses. And, in the event of a system failure or malfunction, all systems will operate toward assuring the safety of all concerned. This is our most important guiding principle covering all of our endeavors, from our railway signaling devices through to our signaling businesses that support all aspects of rail transportation. Kyosan is constantly at work to develop. Refine and commercialize fail-safe technologies for its railway signaling devices and systems.
We are working to consistently assure progressively higher degrees of safety responsible for today's high-speed, high-volume railway transportation systems.
Anticipating a future where railways will be increasingly more sophisticated, Kyosan is doing its part to support the evolution of a safe and enjoyable high-speed, high-volume next-generation traffic system, contributing to the creation of a transportation culture that offers safety and stability for all.