SustainabilityMessage from the President

Representative Director, President, CEO Ryoji Kunisawa

Representative Director,
CEO Ryoji Kunisawa

2022 was the year of launching “Sustainability” at our company, with the establishment of the Corporate Strategy Office and the Corporate Strategy Council enacting the Basic Sustainability Policy.

To promote our sustainability activities further, after identifying four material issues (key management issues), the Kyosan Group has established KPIs for each issue and is implementing various measures in sequence.

Along with changes in the external environment, our company stakeholders are increasingly focusing attention on various social issues, such as human rights issues and global environmental issues arising from climate change.

To promote sustainability further, Kyosan Group is working to help solves various social environmental issues through our business by implementing ESG management, contributing to a decarbonized society, dealing with climate change risks, participating in the sustainable growth of society, advancing the evolution of governance, and achieving harmony with society.


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